Bob Eckweiler - AF6C

OCARC “RF” Heathkit of the Month
Table of Contents:

Jul 16, 2024 HotM #123 ANNOUNCED - Heath EUW-18 Lab Meter
Jul 16, 2024 HotM #123 Posted - Heath CI-1080 Exhaust Gas Analyzer
JUN 14, 2024 BTT #54 Posted - Measuring Code Speed
A support article for HotM #121 defining WPM and CGPM code speed.
May 14, 2024 HotM #122 Posted - Heath GD-232 Thomas® Organ
Apr 14, 2024 HotM #121 Posted - Heath HD-10 Electronic Keyer
Mar 12, 2024 HotM #120 Posted - Heath CI-1020 Timing Light
Nov 20, 2023 HotM #119 Posted - Heath Probes Part II (O-Scope)
Oct 18, 2023 HotM #118 Posted - Heath Probes Part I (VTVM)
Sep 05, 2023 HotM #117 Posted - Heath HF CW Transmitter HX-11
Sep 05, 2023 HotM #102 Rev A Released - QM-1
Heathkit of the Month Articles Tech Notes
Miscellaneous Articles Repair Techniques
Early Heath Part #s Other Pages by AF6C

Find Updated Issues of “Heathkit of the Month”
(HOtM) Column Here.

Here are links to the Heathkit of the Month articles from RF, the newsletter of the OCARC. The first article was published in the February 2008 issue. Articles are usually added approximately one month after they are published in RF. If you are eager to read the article marked "Up Next" it is available in our current issue of the RF Newsletter available here.

If you have any corrections, or perhaps a Heathkit model you would like to see covered, please contact the author:

Additional “Heathkit” articles and Book Reviews.

Occasionally I author a Heathkit article unrelated to a specific kit or suite of kits. These I have added in their own index at the bottom of the page.

As I acquire books about Heathkit I sometimes review them.

Recently I wrote a Heathkit maintenance article unrelated to a specific kit. As more get written they will appear in a separate index titled Repair Techniques.

A Table of early “Heathkit” Part Numbers. (Circa 1947 - mid 1951).

While writing HOM #85 (The early 'O-series' oscilloscopes) I started a table of early Heathkit part numbers from the parts lists that came with some of the documentation I had. Later, when I came across other old manuals or schematics that had early part numbers I added them to the list. It is now over 500 items in length. The system is somewhat convoluted and it was quickly getting out of hand. Sometime after 1/15/1950 Heathkit totally redid their parts list to the one most are familiar with. A discussion of the early parts list is discussed starting on page 4 of HOM #95. As more parts are added the list will be updated. You can find it here:

Heathkit Pre-1951 Parts List Current version 1.1.

Heathkit of the Month, and Bob's TechTalk articles are copyrighted material. They are free for Heathkit aficionados to read and enjoy and to copy and print for their own personal use.

Articles may be linked to through the index using the link below where xxx is the article HOM # 001, 097, M02 etc. Direct linking is allowed, but not recommended as the address may change.

Heathkit of the Month - Table of Contents

Listed are the Heathkits featured in each article. Other kits in the line are often mentioned, and sometimes described in detail. For example, in the V-7A VTVM article the VTVMs from the V-1 up to the V-7A and even some of its descendants are described.

HOM # Subject RF Issue
#124 Heath EUW-18
(Laboratory Milliammeter - and intro to the Heath Malmstadt - Enke Physics Lab.)
Up Next
#123 Heathkit CI-1080 Exhaust Gas Analyzer
(Automotive tune-up aid)
Jun 2024
#122 Heathkit GD-232 Musical Organ
[This article is dedicated to friend Bob Heil - K9EID (SK)]
(Thomas© Heath Organ; Includes HD-232R, HD-232A and HD-232B + the HDA-232 accessories)
Apr 2024
#121 Heathkit HD-10
(Electronic Keyer. Mentions briefly HD-1410)
Mar 2024
TechTalk Article #54
(This is the article Measuring Code Speed discusses how code speed is calculated.) For more Bob's TechTalk articles click here.)
Apr 2024
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#120 Heathkit CI-1020 Automotive Timing Light Rev. A.
(Stand-alone Units: CI-1040, CI-1096, and CI-1098.
Accessory Units: ID-22 accessory for IO-20, COA-2500-1 accessory for CO-2500 and CO-2600, and COA-2600-4 deluxe accessory for CO-2600)
Jan 2024
#119 Heathkit Probes - Part II - Scope Probes
(Demodulator Probes: #309, -B, -C; PK-3, -3A. Low Capacity Probes: PK-1, PKW-2, PKW-101, PKW-105, IOA-3220-1, PS-250-2, PS-350-2, P-150, PS-150. Misc. Probes and Accessories PKW-104, PKA-101-1)
Oct 2023
#118 Heathkit Probes - Part I - VTVM Probes Rev. A.
RF Probes: #337, -A, -B, -C. High Voltage Probes: #310 (10kV); #336; ID-1041, IMA-100-10, IMA100-11, IMA-1000-1(30kV);
Peak-to-Peak Probes: #338, -B, -C. Replacement VTVM probe: PKW-4. Stand alone Voltage Probes: IM-5210, IM-5215 (40kV).
Sep 2023
#117 Heathkit HX-11
(CW Transmitter - circa Fall 1961 - Early 1965; Also
DX-20, predecessor of the HX-11 - circa 1957 - 1961)
Jun 2023
#116 Heathkit SA-1480 / HD-1234
(Remote Antenna Switch - circa 1979 - late 1984; Also
HD-1234 Manual Antenna Switch - circa 1973 - 1991)
Apr 2023
#115 Heathkit SB-620
("Scanalyzer" Panadapter/Spectrum Analyzer - Circa 1967 - 1975
mentions the HO-13)
Feb 2023
#114 Heathkit IP-2715 Rev. A
(Battery Eliminator - Circa 1976 - 1984
Includes IP-2760 & notes on HP/PS-1144(A))
Oct 2022
#113 Heathkit IP-5220
(Variable AC Isolation Transformer - Circa 1975 - 1982
Includes IP-10 & IP-22)
Sep 2022
#112 Heathkit SB-634
(Ham Station Console - Circa 1974 - 1983)
Jul 2022
#111 Heathkit HW-2026
(Synthesized 2-Meter Transceiver - Circa 11/1975 - 12/1975
April Special - Heathkit's only kit to be recalled!)
Here is the link to the Addendum to HOM #111
Apr 2022
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#110 Heathkit Deluxe Service Bench VTVMs Rev. A
(IM-10, IM-32, IM-13, IM-28, IM-5228; circa 1961 - 1989)
Schematics and Parts Lists
Jan 2022
Book Review:
Heathkit-A Guide to the Amateur Radio Products
(Third Edition - 2021. By Chuck Penson - WA7ZZE
Sep 2021
#108 Heathkit IP-2718
("Tri-Power Supply" - 5V @ 1.5A and two 0–20V @ 0.5A Output
Bench Power Supply, circa Spring 1976 - 1992)
Aug 2021
#107 Heathkit SB-630
(Amateur Radio Station Console - Digital Clock, 10-Minute Timer,
Phone Patch and SWR Bridge; circa Fall 1966 - 1974)
Jul 2021
#106 Heathkit GD-1110
(Bally™ Fireball© Home Pinball Game - circa 1977 - 1979)
Apr/May 2021
Heathkit KS-1 Rev. A
(3000/1500 VDC 500 ma Kilowatt power supply, circa 1959 - 1961)
Mar 2021
#104 Heathkit SQ-1 Rev. A
(Wide-band Square Wave Generator - circa late 1951-59)
Feb 2021
#103 Heathkit GR-88 & GR-98 Receivers Rev. A
(GR-88 VHF 152-174 MHz FM Monitor - circa 1969-77)
(GR-98 VHF 118-136 MHz AM Air-band Monitor - circa 1969-76)

A draft with numerous errors was uploaded by mistake. It has been replaced.
Thanks to Bob - WA1MIK for calling it to my attention.
Dec 2020
#102 Heathkit QM-1 Rev. A
(QM-1 'Q'- Meter circa 1952 - 1966)
Sep 2020
#101 Heathkit HD-1426
(Field Strength Meter - circa 1977 - 1981. Includes PM-1 and PM-2)
Aug 2020
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#100 Heath LNA-40 kit Rev. B
(Parasol including the Super Parasol, V Parasol, &
LNB-4: circa 1926 - ~1937)
Apr 2020
#099 Heathkit HD-20
(100 KC Crystal Calibrator, circa 1960 - 1975
Mar 2020
#098 Heathkit RC-1
(Radiation [Geiger] Counter, circa 1956 - 1961)
Feb 2020
#097 Heathkit SA-2040
(Legal-Limit Antenna Tuner - circa 1979 - 1983)
Jan 2020
#096 Heathkit IO-21
(3" Basic Oscilloscope - circa 1961-1971)
Nov 2019
#095 Heathkit A-1
(Heath's First Audio Hi-Fi Amplifier - circa 11/1947 - 8/1948)
Oct 2019
#094 Heathkit IP-27
(Regulated Low-Voltage Power Supply: 0.5-50V 1.5A
- circa 1967-1975)
Aug 2019
#093 Heathkit CS-1 Restoration
(The CS-1 'Condenser' Substitution Box benefits from modern,
smaller capacitors)
Jul 2019
#092 Heathkit SW-717
(HF Beginner SWL Communications Receiver - circa 1971-1982)
Jun 2019
#091 Heathkit SBA-300 VHF Converters
(SBA-300-3 6-Meter & SBA-300-4 2-Meter VHF Converters
for the SB-300 & SB-301 Receivers - circa 1964 - 1970)
May 2019
TechTalk Article #52
(This is the article The MILLER EFFECT and the CASCODE AMPLIFIER mentioned in HOM #92) for more Bob's TechTalk articles click here.)
May 2019
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#090 Heathkit GW-31
(FCC Part 15 Walkie Talkie, including GW-30 and GW-31A
circa 1960 - 1968)
Jan 2019
#089 Heathkit ‘O’ Series Oscilloscopes Part III
(The O-9 through the O-12 - circa 9/1953 - 11/1960)
Link to: O-series schematics and parts lists
Dec 2018
#088 Heathkit AW-1
(Audio Wattmeter, incl. AW-1U - circa 1953 - 1960)
Nov 2018
#087 Heathkit ‘O’ Series Oscilloscopes Part II
(The O-5 through the O-8 - circa 9/1949 - 9/1953)
Link to: O-series schematics and parts lists
Aug 2018
#086 Heathkit V6 VTVM Restoration Pt. II
(Major restoration of the V-6 VTVM)
Jul 2018
#085 Heathkit ‘O’ Series Oscilloscopes Part I
(The O-1, Heath's first Kit, through the O-4 - circa 7/1947 - 9/1949)
Link to: O-series schematics and parts lists
Jun 2018
TechTalk Article #51
(This is the article The Oscilloscope CRT mentioned in HOM #85.
This is a precursor to the upcoming Heathkit O-1 to O-4 Article in
June.) for more Bob's TechTalk articles click here.)
May 2018
#084 Heathkit V-6 VTVM Restoration Pt. 1
(Converting the 57-1 Selenium Rectifier to Silicon)
Apr 2018
#083 Heathkit HG10(B)
(Variable Frequency Oscillators: HG-10, circa 1961 - 1966, and HG-10B, circa 1967 - 1976)
Mar 2018
#082 Heathkit FMO-1
(FM Alignment Test Oscillator, circa late 1959 - early 1967)
Feb 2018
#081 Heathkit K-2
(All-Wave Regenerative Receiver, circa 7/1949 - 12/1949) Additional discussion
Dec 2017
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#080 Heathkit K-1
(All-Wave Regenerative Receiver, circa 1948 - 7/1949) and K-2
Nov 2017
#079 Heathkit VF-1
(HF VFO circa 1952 - 1961)
Oct 2017
#078 Heathkit IM-17
(Utility Solid-State Voltmeter - circa 1967) Includes IM-5217
Sep 2017
#077 Heathkit BC-1A
(AM Tuner - Hi-Fi - circa 1956 - 1960) Including BC-1.
Aug 2017
#076 Heathkit IT-121 Pt.II of II
(Transistor - FET Tester - circa 1972 - 1977)
See HOM #75 right below for further details.
Jul 2017
#075 Heathkit IT-121 Pt. I of II
(Transistor - FET Tester - circa 1972 - 1977) Including:
variant IT-2120, also IT-10 (including IT-27, IT-3127 variants), IM-30 (including IM-36 variant), and IT-18 (including IT-3118 variant).
Jun 2017
#074 Heathkit AA-14
(Solid State Stereo Amplifier - circa late 1966 - 1975)
Feb 2017
#073 Heathkit ID-29
(Automotive Tune-up Meter: Dwell, Tach, Voltmeter
circa 1969 - 1975)
Jul 2016
#072 Heathkit HW-22 Pt. II
(Single Bander Transceivers Includes HW-12 and HW-32.
Part II of II;)
Jun 2016
#071 Heathkit GU-1800
("Minimizer" Trash Compactor circa 1971 - '74)
Apr 2016
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#070 Heathkit HW-22 Pt. I
(Single Bander Transceivers Includes HW-12 and HW-32.
Part I of II;)
Feb 2016
#069 Heathkit SK-107
(Stereo Synthesizer, circa late 80s to the end - a "Starter Kit")
Jan 2016
#068 Heathkit IM-38
(AC VTVM, circa late 1969 to 1976)
Dec 2015
TechTalk Article #49
(This is the article AC Meter Scales mentioned in HOM #68)
for more Bob's TechTalk articles click here.
Dec 2015
#067 Heathkit IP-32
(HV voltage Power Supply, circa 1962, 1967, also PS-1 thru PS-4, IP-17 & IP2717)
Aug 2015
#066 Heathkit HD-1250 Meter Repair
(The meter used in the HD-1250 tends to stick after years of service. Here's how to repair it. Also HOM #MO2)
Jun 2015
#065 Heathkit GT-18/GT-101
("Boonie-Bike" & "Hilltopper", circa 1968 - 1974 - an April 1st special)
Apr 2015
#064 Heathkit VC-3
(O'Scope Voltage Calibrator, circa 1956 - 1962)
Mar 2015
TechTalk Article #47
(This is the article How FM Stereo Works promised in HOM #63)
for more Bob's TechTalk articles click here.
Mar 2015
#063 Heathkit AJ-14
(FM Stereo Tuner, circa 1965 - 1975)
Feb 2015
#062 Heathkit GR-78
(Portable Shortwave Receiver, circa 1969 - 1977)
Dec 2014
#061 Heathkit SG-8
(Signal Generator circa 1953 - 1961; also SG-6, SG-7,
& briefly G-5, RF-1 & IG-102)
Nov 2014
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#060 Heathkit SB-610
(Monitor Scope - circa 1967 - 1975. Also the HO-10)
Oct 2014
#059 Heathkit IG-72
(Audio Oscillator - includes the AG-9/A)
Sep 2014
#058 Heathkit HA-14
("Kompact" Kilowatt HF Amplifier - circa 1965 - 1968; also HP-14 and
HP-24 Associated Power Supplies)
Jul 2014
#057 Heathkit AA-32
(Stereo Hi-Fi Tube Amplifier - circa 1964 - 1971; also AA-13,
AA-23 Mono Amplifiers and AJ-13, AJ-53, and AJ-63 Tuners)
Jun 2014
#056 Heathkit ID-2295
(Relative Humidity Indicator - circa 1982 - 1992 also,
other weather instruments)
May 2014
#055 Heathkit GDP-5457
(Give-Away Flashlight - circa 1987 - an April 1st Special)
Apr 2014
#054 Heathkit HM-102
(HF Power Meter - circa 1970 - 1981; also HM-2102,
HM-2103, HM-2104/A, HM-2141 and HM-9)
Mar 2014
#053 Heathkit GD-48
(Metal Locator line - circa 1969 - 1985;
includes: GD-348, GD-1190, GD-1290)
Feb 2014
#052 Heathkit SK-211
(AC Line Voltage Monitor circa 1989 - 93)
Jan 2014
#051 Heathkit IG-4505
(Deluxe Oscilloscope Calibrator circa 1975 - 1990;
also VC-1, VC-2, VC-3, IOA-4510-1 and IG-4244)
Aug 2013
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#050 Heathkit EF-2
(Oscilloscope Trainer - A Heathkit Educational Course)
Jul 2013
#049 Heathkit SB-220
(2KW HF Amplifier; including the SB-221)
Jun 2013
#048 Heathkit HS-3860
(Laptop Computer; irca late 1989 - The 2013 April 1 article)
Apr 2013
#047 Heathkit AV-3
(AC Voltmeter; including AV-1, AV-2, IM-21, 1M-38 and IM-5238)
Mar 2013
#046 Heathkit GD-1776
(Programmable Thermostat; circa 1977 - 1980)
Feb 2013
#045 Heathkit FM-4
(Hi-Fi FM Tuner; circa 1949 - 1963; Including FM-1 - FM3, FM-4U and AJ-31)
Jan 2013
#044 Heathkit CT-1
("Capaci-Tester"; circa 1959 - 1962 and IT-22 1963 - 1967)
Dec 2012
#043 Heathkit SB-401
(HF Amateur Transmitter; circa 1967 - 1975; including the earlier SB-400)
Oct 2012
#042 Heathkit HD-1422-A
(Antenna Noise Bridge; circa 1985 - 1992; including HD-1422)
Aug 2012
#041 Heathkit OL-1
(3" Oscilloscope; circa 1954 - 1956; also IO-21, IO-17, IO-10 and EUW-25 3" O'scopes)
Jul 2012
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#040 Heathkit HP-13 Series
(Mobile Power Supply; cira 1963-1977 - includes GP-11, MP-1, HP-10 switching and vibrator power supplies for mobile amateur use)
Jun 2012
#039 Heath Craft F-2587K/M
(CraftWoodworks Candlesticks in Oak and Mahogany
circa 1981-1982)
Apr 2012
#038 Heathkit CS-1
(Capacitor Substitution Box and family, and DC-1 Capacitor
Decade Box and family - circa: 1952 - early 80s)
Mar 2012
#037 Heathkit AM-2
(SWR Meter. And the HM-11, HM-15 and more)
Jan 2012
#036 Heathkit SB-301 Rev. A (04/08/2023)
(And SB-300 HF Ham-band Receivers)
Dec 2011
#035 Heathkit RS-1
(Resistor Substitution Box and family, and RD-1 Resistor
Decade Box and family - circa: 1952 - 93)
Nov 2011
#034 Heathkit GC-1A
("Mohican" Portable Communications Receiver)
Oct 2011
#033 Heathkit SB-200
(And SB-201 Linear Amplifiers - circa: 1964 - 83)
Sep 2011
#032 Heathkit LG-1
(Laboratory signal generator and G-1, G-5, SG-6, SG-7,
and SG-8 - circa: 1953 - 62)
Aug 2011
#031 Heathkit HD-15
(Hybrid phone patch - circa: 1966 - 83; also HD-19, HD-1515,
and SB-630 and SB-634 console patches)
Jul 2011
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#030 Heathkit SB-Line Overview
(Early [circa: 1964 - 76] and late [circa: 1974 - 82] SB-line
of ham radio equipment)
Jun 2011
#029 Heathkit W-4AM
("Williamson" type Hi-Fi Amplifier; includes the whole family -
circa: - 1949 - 58)
May 2011
#028 Heathkit GU-1810
(Gasoline Powered Log Splitter circa: 1981 - 84)
Apr 2011
#027 Heathkit MP-10
(AC Power Inverter - circa: 1960 - 81)
Mar 2011
#026 Heathkit HP-23
(AC Power Supply HP23/A/B/C/E PS23 - circa: 1964 - 83;
Also UT-1, and HP-20)
Feb 2011
#025 Heathkit AT-1
(First Heath Amateur Transmitter - circa: 1953 - 56)
Jan 2011
#024 Heathkit QF-1
("Q" Multiplier - circa: 1955 - 60)
Dec 2010
#023 Heathkit HD-1416 Rev. B (05/02/2022)
(Code Practice Oscillator - circa: 1975 - 91)
Nov 2010
#022 Heathkit CR-1
(Crystal Radio - circa: 1957 - 62)
Oct 2010
#021 Heathkit HD-4040
(Packet Radio Terminal Node Controller - circa: 1985 - 87)
Sep 2010
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#020 Heathkit HN-31/31A Updated 8/12/2016
(1KW Dummy Load - circa: 1961 - 91)
May 2010
#019 Heathkit V-7A Updated 7/9/2016
(Vacuum Tube Voltmeter - circa: 1956 - 61, Includes V-1, V-2, V-3,
V-4, V-4A, V-5, V-5A, V-6 & V-7)
Dec 2009
#018 Heathkit IT-1
(Isolation Transformer - circa: 1953 - 60)
Nov 2009
#017 Heathkit TX-1
(Apache HF AM/CW Transmitter - circa: 1959 - 64)
Jul 2009
#016 Heathkit HD-1420
(VLF Converter - circa: 1986 - 91)
Jun 2009
#015 Heathkit C-7
(Enjoy a little April fool's humor)
Apr 2009
#014 Heathkit RX-1
(Mohawk AM/SSB/CW Ham Band Receiver - cira: 1958 - 64)
Mar 2009
#013 Heathkit AC-1
(Antenna Coupler - circa: 1953 - 56)
Feb 2009
#012 Heathkit GD-1003
(Portable Electronic Air Filter - circa: 1973 - 78)
Jan 2009
#011 Heathkit HX-20/HR-20
(HF SSB/CW Amateur Radio Mobile Twins - circa: 1962 - 64)
Dec 2008
HOM # Subject RF Issue
#010 Heathkit MR-1/MT-1
(HF AM/CW Mobile Twins: Cheyenne Xmtr. - Comanche Rcvr. -
circa: 1959 - 62)
Nov 2008
#009 Heathkit IT-12
(Signal Tracer - circa: 1962 - 77, includes T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4 & IT-5283)
Oct 2008
#008 Heathkit DX-100/100-B
(AM/CW HF Amateur Transmitter circa: 1955 - 60)
Sep 2008
#007 Heathkit HD-1250
(Solid-State Dip Meter - circa: 1975 - 91)
Aug 2008
#006 Heathkit HD-1424/1424-A
(Active Antenna - circa: 1985 - 91)
Jul 2008
#005 Heathkit GH-17/17-A
(Soldering Iron - circa: 1966 - 83)
Jun 2008
#004 Heathkit CA-1
(Conelrad Alarm - circa: 1957 - 60)
May 2008
#003 Heathkit DX-40
(AM-CW Amateur HF Transmitter - circa: 1958 - 60)
Apr 2008
#002 Heathkit IT-11
(Capacitor Checker - circa: 1961 - 88)
Mar 2008
#001 Heathkit GR-121
(AM Clock Radio - circa: 1963 - 65)
Feb 2008

Repair Techniques - Table of Contents

HOM # Subject RF Issue
#MO2 Heathkit HD-1250 Meter Repair
(Repairing the meter in the HD-1250 Dip Meter - also HOM #66)
Jun 2015
#MO1 Heathkit Slide Switch Repair
(Repairing the Stackpole slide switches used in many Heathkits such as the HM-102)
Aug 2014

Other Heathkit Articles by the Author - Table of Contents

HOM # Subject RF Issue
#A02 Heathkit Receives Last Coffin Nail
(The last of Heath Co. Goes Bankrupt.)
Aug 2012
#A03 Book Review:
Heathkit - Test Equipment Products
First Edition (2014) By Chuck Penson - WA7ZZE
Jul 2014
#A04 Book Review:
Heathkit - A Guide to the Amateur Radio Products
Second Edition (2003) By Chuck Penson - WA7ZZE
Oct 2017
#A05 Book Review:
Heathkit - Hi-Fi and Stereo Products
First Edition (2018) By Chuck Penson - WA7ZZE
Sep 2018
#A06 Book Review:
Heathkit -A Guide to the Amateur Radio Products
Third Edition (2021) By Chuck Penson - WA7ZZE
Sep 2021

Various Tech Notes - Table of Contents

HOM # Subject Author
#T01 Heathkit Document:
Partial Conversion of O-7 Oscilloscope
(Improving the vertical amplifier response)

Other Collections of Pages

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Electronic Calculator Pages Index by AF6C
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This page last updated on July 17, 2024
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454, Tustin, CA 92781

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