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W6ZE Ham Equipment Sale - July 2021

The Orange County Amateur Radio Club (OCARC) has the following items, donated to the club, for sale:

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Icom IC-701 based HF Ham Station
with Accessories

$350 (OBO)   S O L D

Description: The IC-701 is a 1980s vintage, 100W, solid-state, HF transceiver that covers the 160m/80m/40m/15m/10m bands. For a complete explanation of the technical specs, see: http://www.rigpix.com/icom/ic701.htm

This unit comes with:

The OCARC is asking $350 for the assembled set of equipment.


Yaesu FT-301D sold

Yaesu FT-301D based HF Ham Station
with Accessories

$500 (OBO)   S O L D

Description: The Yaesu FT-301D is an impressive 1980s vintage HF transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters (and WWV 5 MHz receive). This solid-state radio features two 2SC2100 finals. Power input is 200 watts PEP SSB, 200 watts CW (50% duty cycle) and 50 watts on AM/FSK. It covers the main (non-WARC) amateur bands including: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Dial accuracy is 2 kHz. This radio does not have general coverage receive.

This unit comes with:

The OCARC is asking $500 for the assembled set of equipment.



ICOM IC-211 2-Meter, All Mode Transceiver

$125 (OBO)   S O L D

Description: The Icom IC-211 is a 2-meter multi-mode transceiver that provides versatile DX or local communications. Supported modes include USB, LSB, FM and CW. Frequency coverage is from 144.00 - 148.00 MHz. Power output is adjustable from 0.5 to 10 watts FM, 10 watts SSB and 10 watts CW. The synthesizer step size is 100 Hz or 5 kHz for SSB and 5 kHz for FM. Other refinements include:  speech processor, dial lock, all mode squelch, dimmer, RIT, noise blanker, fly-wheel tuning, S/Center Tune Meter and VOX. The IC-211 has a built-in AC power supply or can be run from 13.8 VDC at 3.3 Amps. To operate on most local area repeaters, this unit will need the addition of a CTCSS tone generator board (such as the Master Communications CT-30) which can be purchased on the Internet for $30 plus shipping. Also, when this unit was tested on the air, and it was discovered that there is an intermittent connection in the microphone cord that needs to be repaired.

The OCARC is asking $125 for this item.



Kenwood TL-922 HF KW Amplifier

$650 FIRM   S O L D

Description: The Kenwood TL-922 HF linear amp is designed to provide the maximum legal power, utilizing two 3-500Z high performance transmitting tubes. The amp features two meters for maximum operating convenience. Power is 2000W PEP SSB, 1000W DC CW/RTTY input. Drive power is 80 or more watts. (Not for QSK). The TL-922 covers 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.

Power requirements: 120/240V 28A/14A 50/60Hz. Currently wired for 240 VAC.

Size/Weight: 15.4 x 7.5 x 16 inches 68.3 lbs.

Amplifier has not been tested and is being sold "as-is".



ICOM IC-2AT 2-Meter Handheld Transceiver

$40 (OBO)

Description: This is the ICOM best seller synthesized IC-2AT 2-Meter handheld radio. It covers the whole FM portion of the band. It operates simplex or ±600 KHz split. Power is 1.5W hi and 0.15W low (with provided battery). A great standby radio. Includes the manual and rubber ducky antenna and the overnight charger and the original BP-3 battery.

The battery insert appears to need replacement, but is easily available from numerous battery companies and is under $20. Unlike some battery cases, the BP-3 opens with screws and the old battery insert can be removed and a new one easily soldered in, in its place.

The radio doesn't have CTCSS installed. However, third-party CTCSS boards are available for installation.


 Radio Shack HTX-202

Radio Shack HTX-202 2-Meter Handheld Transceiver

$65 (OBO)

Description: The Radio Shack HTX-202 is a fully synthesized radio with built-in programmable CTCSS (both transmit and receive) it allows individualy programmed odd splits. It also features programmable DTMF tones, 1W and 6W power selection amd much more. See manual (below) for more information.

The radio does not include a manual, but you may download a very clean copy of the manual here.

The battery insert needs to be replaced, but is easily available from numerous battery companies for under $30. Unlike some battery cases, this one opens with screws and the old battery insert can be removed and a new one easily soldered in, in its place. A spare battery is included, but it may also require an insert.


OCARC Logo 200W x 250H


General Information:

This equipment is for sale by The Orange County Amateur Radio Club.

The equipment is located in the City of Yorba Linda, CA, and is "available by "pickup only". Prices are negotiable.

Contact: at n1bkb@w6ze.org if you have any questions, or want to view the equipment.

Equipment is subject to prior sale.

Original date of page: July 10, 2021

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This page last updated on 19 Sept 2021
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454, Tustin, CA 92781-3454

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