This page lists ham related items for sale by OCARC members as well as equipment donated to the OCARC radio club.
It is a policy of the Orange County Radio Club not to sell transmitting equipment that requires an amateur license to operate, unless the purchaser has such a license or a second class (GROL) or higher commercial license.
Dates | ||||
Sale: | Status: | New: | Update: | |
WA6GFT: Kenwood TS-570D(G), TM-231, Astron Power Supplies | Current | 01/11/25 | —/—/— | |
W6ZE: The OCARC Sale of donated stations and other ham gear. | Current | 07/10/21 | 08/28/21 | |
S O L D O U T I T E M S | ||||
KF6KXG: Sale of numerous Hallicrafters receivers and a Heathkit 4-band regenerative receiver | S O L D O U T | 02/22/21 | 05/01/23 | |
N6OKU: Willy has TS-590SG HF Radio for sale | S O L D O U T | 10/02/22 | 11/06/22 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (remaining items) Remaining items from pages 1 thru 8: |
S O L D O U T | 08/19/16 | 10/21/22 | |
WA6GFT: Paul has test equipment, books and ARRL Handbooks for sale | D O N A T E D | 10/10/21 | 10/21/22 | |
W6NKU: Frank has HF station, etc. available due to downsizing | S O L D O U T | 04/19/22 | 07/05/22 | |
WB6MEU: Sale of a fully restored Johnson Viking I w/Johnson 122 VFO |
S O L D | 10/09/20 | 07/10/21 | |
W6SJ Estate Sale being handled by N6HC Lots of modern amateur radio equipment |
S O L D O U T | 06/07/17 | 09/19/20 | |
KI6VEN Estate Sale being handled by N6HC Lots of modern amateur radio and test equipment |
S O L D O U T | 05/01/15 | 09/19/20 | |
W5KGM Equipment Sale Homebrew Antenna Tuner, Misc Books sold |
S O L D O U T | 08/18/12 | 07/06/17 | |
AF6CF Equipment Sale AEA Isopole loop antenna |
S O L D | 09/03/16 | 12/13/16 | |
4 KW Generator for Sale 120/240V 60 Hz mounted on a trailer |
S O L D | 02/11/16 | 08/19/16 | |
WA6YKH: Estate Sale: FT-101ZD, SB-220 & Misc. Ham Items |
S O L D O U T | 08/18/11 | 03/26/16 | |
W6WVW Sale: FT-1000MP Mark V 200 Watt version with dog house power supply |
S O L D O U T | 05/10/15 | 09/12/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (one of eight) Antennas, Antenna Switches, Antenna Tuners, etc. |
S O L D O U T | 07/26/14 | 06/19/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (two of eight) Microphones, Telegraph Keys and Associated Items |
S O L D O U T | 07/26/14 | 02/12/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (three of eight) Mobile Radios and Mobile Radio Accessories |
S O L D O U T | 07/27/14 | 07/23/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (four of eight) Power Supplies & Power Accessories |
S O L D O U T | 07/27/14 | 01/27/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (five of eight) Handheld Radios and Handheld Accessories |
S O L D O U T | 07/29/14 | 01/27/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (six of eight) Test Equipment |
S O L D O U T | 07/31/14 | 10/16/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (seven of eight) Receivers & Transceivers |
S O L D O U T | 08/04/14 | 01/27/15 | |
N6JUK Equipment Sale: (eight of eight) Miscellaneous |
S O L D O U T | 08/07/14 | 10/18/14 | |
Dick - W6RWY: Items for Sale: | S O L D O U T | 02/20/11 | 05/27/15 | |
Larry - K6VDP: Items for Sale: | S O L D O U T | 08/18/10 | 12/03/13 | |
KI6APH: Items for sale: Heil Equipment |
S O L D O U T | 02/27/13 | 05/01/14 | |
AC6C: Estate sale: (one of two) Test & ham equipment |
S O L D O U T | 10/09/13 | 12/03/13 | |
AC6C: Estate sale: (two of two) More ham equipment |
S O L D O U T | 10/09/13 | 12/03/13 | |
W6OGX: Estate Sale: Tower & Antennas |
S O L D O U T | 11/01/11 | 06/19/13 | |
WA6VKZ: Estate Sale: FT-70G with accessories, DSP-2232 & TM-2530A |
S O L D O U T | 08/18/11 | 10/22/11 | |
K6JGN Estate Sale (one of four): Radios & Major Items |
S O L D O U T | 05/14/10 | 10/15/10 | |
K6JGN Estate Sale (two of four): Antennas & Antenna Accessories |
S O L D O U T | 05/14/10 | 10/15/10 | |
K6JGN Estate Sale (three of four): Station Accessories |
S O L D O U T | 05/14/10 | 10/15/10 | |
K6JGN Estate Sale (four of four): Tools, Manuals and Miscellaneous |
S O L D O U T | 05/14/10 | 10/15/10 | |
OCARC Donation Sale from WØMEC: Drake Equipment |
S O L D O U T | 09/21/08 | 09/21/09 | |
Charles - KB6TWA: Estate Sale: Miscellaneous Ham Items |
S O L D O U T | 05/10/06 | 03/18/10 |
Members: If you'd like to have your items posted here please email Ken - W6HHC or Bob - AF6C with a list and description of items you would like posted. Include digital photograph(s) if possible. Please - members only.