W6ZE - Orange County Amateur Radio Club

1999 ARRL SW Division Convention

on the

Queen Mary (Long Beach, Calif)

October 1 - 3, 1999

Click on a picture to see it in higher resolution.

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The Queen Mary in Long Beach

The 1999 ARRL SouthWestern Division Convention was held on the Queen Mary luxury ocean liner.    The Queen Mary has been a permanent tourist attraction docked in Long Beach, California since 1967.

Photo by W6HHC

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This is one of the many seminar programs held during the 1999 SouthWestern Division Convention.  The event shown here is the   ARRL panel session.  The ARRL division director, Fried Heyn-WA6WZO, can be seen standing near by the podium.

Photo by KQ6JD

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A view of the Ham Radio exhibitor's area, where vendors show off the latest gear, usually  at specially reduced prices.

Photo by KQ6JD

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Some of the Ham Radio exhibits parked outside the Queen Mary (L-R: ICOM and Gordon West).

Photo by KQ6JD

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Lowell-KQ6JD is shown standing on the deck of the Queen Mary in front of the antenna system of W6RO, the ham radio voice of the Queen Mary.

Photo by KQ6JD

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Members of the Orange County Amateur Radio Club selling tickets to the Midnight Ceremony of The Royal Order of the Wouff Hong.  (L to R)    Bud-WA6VPP  the OCARC president;  Tom-WA6PFA; and Steve-KE6NAH.

Photo by W6HHC

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Part of the OCARC cast and crew for the Wouff Hong ceremonies.   (L to R)    Ken-W6HHC, Chris-KJ6ZH Ceremony Producer, Jim-KE6UCH,   Bud-WA6VPP. Cory-KE6WUI, and Bob-AF6C.

Notice the appropriate name on the building for HAMS to practice ceremony rehersals.

Photo by AF6C

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At the Convention Banquet Chris-KJ6ZH, Producer for the  Midnight Ceremony of The Royal Order of the Wouff Hong presents Riley Hollingsworth -K4ZDH with an honary Wouff Hong to help the FCC with its enforcement efforts.

Photo by W6XD

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This is a photo of the OCARC's "Terrible Wouff Hong", an instrument used by The Royal Order of the Wouff Hong to discipline thoughtless and/or naive hams who do not have a high regard for fellow hams.


Photo by KE6UCH

Royal Order of the Wouff Hong

Pictures of the midnight ceremony of The Royal Order of the Wouff Hong are available for viewing only by visitors who are members of the Royal Order.    After you enter the LINK above, use the Royal Order password when prompted.

Note:  The private Wouff Hong picture collection (above) is in ".PDF" format and requires Adobe Acrobat© Reader -- available free for most computer platforms (just click below):

getacro.gif (712 bytes)

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This page last updated on 17 August, 2009 by Ken W6HHC
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454  Tustin, CA 92781
Copyright © 1997-2009 Orange County Amateur Radio Club