This web page contains links to numerous manufacturers and suppliers of amateur radio equipment and accessories. This page will continue to be updated as new links are located and new supplier areas are added.
The 21 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
The 14 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
- AEA: Analyzers
- Alpha Delta: Antennas, Coax Switches
- Antennas US: Antennas
- Array Solutions: Antenna and Dx Accessories
- Barker & Williamson Antennas
- Butternut Antennas (now Dx Engineering)
- Cable X-Perts Coax, Wire, Connectors
- C.A.T.S. Rotator Parts, Alliance, CDR, Hy-Gain
- Champion Radio Products: Towers, Safety Equip., Tower Hdwr, & Accs
- Comet Antennas (N.C.G. Company)
- Commscope (former Andrew) Heliax© Hardline
- Cushcraft (now MFJ) Antennas (see MFJ note in Manufacturers)
- Custom Cable Inc. (was RF Tec Mfg.): RF Surge Protectors, Connectors, Pre-fab'd Cables
- Diamond (now RF Parts) Antennas
- DX Engineering
- DX Avenues (was DX Beam): HF Antennas (France)
- Force 12 (now JK Antennas): Antennas, Tri-Ex Towers
- Gap Antenna Products
- Hustler (New-Tronics): Antennas: HF, VHF UHF antennas
- Hy-Gain (now MFJ): Antennas, Rotators, Towers (see MFJ note in Manufacturers)
- Hy Power Antenna Co.
- Isotron: Low Profile Antennas
- JK Antennas (includes Force 12): Antennas, Tri-Ex Towers
- KLM (now M2) Antennas Support
- Larry's Antennas: Mobile Antennas
- Pulse-Larsen part of Pulse Electronics no website of products see PDF link: Mobile & Base Antennas
- M2 Antennas
- Maldol Antennas (N.C.G. Company)
- The Mast Company: Telescoping Fiberglass Masts
- Metz Communications: Mobile Antennas
- Mosley Antennas
- Nemal Cable & Connectors
- Radioware: Wire, Coax, Connectors
- The RF Connection: Cable, Connectors
- Rohn Towers (Gone)
- SteppIR Antennas: (Fluid Motion) Remotely adjustable Yagi
- Tashjian Towers Corp: New Towers (Tri-Ex support and parts)
- Tennadyne: Log Periodic Antennas
- Tri-Ex Towers: (see: Tashjian Towers)
- Universal Towers: Aluminum Communications Towers.
- U.S. Tower
- Wireman Inc. Coax, Wire, more
The 41 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
- Allied Electronics
- Amidon Associates: Iron-Powder & Ferrite Coil Forms
- Antique Electronic Supply: Tubes, parts
- B & A Products: NTE Replacement parts, test equipment
- The Battery Store: (Now TNR Technical) All sorts of batteries
- Barker & Williamson: Coils, transmitter RF parts, more
- Batteries America - Mr. NiCad's
- Bliley Technologies: Crystals, Oscillators
- Circuit Specialists: Circuit Boards, parts
- Component Distributors
- CWS Bytemark: Coils, Cores, Ferrite (Santa Ana, CA)
- Digi-Key: Parts, ICs, Components
- Eimac: No longer in business
- Futurlec: Components, Parts
- Gateway Electronics
- ICE: Bandpass Filters, Receiving Converters, more
- International CC: Components
- Jameco Electronics: Parts, ICs, Components
- J. W. Miller (NOW Bournes): Coils, Chokes, RF Transformers
- MCM Electronics (now part of Newark) see history MCM History
- Mouser Electronics: Parts, ICs, Components
- National RF, Inc: Dial Scales, DF Equiipment.
- Parallax BASIC Stamp μcontroller
- Parts Express: Electronic Parts
- Peter W. Dahl (NOW Hammond Mfg.): Custom & Replacement Transformers
- Powerwerx: Anderson Power Poles®, Adapters and Accessories
- Radio Electronic Supply (NOW Vacuum Tubes Inc.): Vacuum Tubes - New and used.
- Radio Shack It's BACK online
- RF Parts: tubes, parts, etc.
- Svetlana: Tubes (Available through RF Parts)
- Tower Electronics: "the ham's dime store"
- Vacuum Tubes Inc.: Tubes, Parts
- W&W Manufacturing: Batteries, Inserts
The 31 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
- A&A Engineering (Anaheim, CA)
- Communications Concepts Inc: Kit Amplifiers, ATV, Parts
- CW Touch Keyer: Keyers - kit and wired, SMT boards, Parts.
- Dan's Small Parts and Kits:
- Elecraft: Kit CW & SSB Transceivers
- FAR Circuits: Circuit boards for Ham Magazine Projects
- Hamtronics
- Harbach Electronics: Mod kits for Heathkit SB-200 and SB-220 Amplifiers and much more.
- Heathkit Company: (Yes, they're getting back into the kit business!)
- Data Professionals Heathkit Page: Official Heathkit Manuals, Parts, Parts Xref, Heath "Bluebook"
- The Heathkit Shop: Parts, Repair Info.
- Hobbytron: Ham & Hobby Kits, Parts
- Jackson Harbor Kits: Misc small kits
- Kit Radio Company: (UK) Kits, tools, parts.
- Nightfire Electronic Kits: Parts kits incl. SMT parts.
- Nostalgic Kit Central: Parts and info for: Allied, EICO, EMC, Heathkit, PACO & Precise companies.
- Oak Hills Research (now Div of Milestone Tech.): QRP Kits
- Quantics: W9GR DSP-3 kits (Out of Production) Still lots of information.
- Vectronics (Now MFJ) Kits (see MFJ note in Manufacturers)
The 19 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
- Acom: Automatic HF Amplifier & Remote Antenna Switcher
- Am-Com: ClearSpeech Speakers (See Heil Sound)
- Ameco: Code Tapes, Accessories
- Array Solutions: RF Amps, Analyzers, much more.
- Bencher (Now Vibroplex): Keys, Paddles, Filters
- Communications Specialists: CTCSS, etc.
- Daiwa SWR Meters (N.C.G. Company)
- Davis Instruments: Weather Stations
- Warren Gregoire: Headsets
- The Ham Contact: Battery & Solar Power Accessories, Mobile Antennas
- HAL: TNCs, DSP Modems
- Heil Sound: Microphones, Ham Audio
- Kantronics: TNCs
- Lido Mounts: No hole mountings for mobile ham rigs (Santa Ana, CA)
- MAHA: NiMH Batteries, Chargers, RF Amplifiers
- The Maine Store: Cups, Ham Gifts
- Mayberry Sales & Service: Portable Generators
- Nye Viking (Now Milestone Tech/MorseX): Tuners, Keys
- Palomar Engineers: Tuners, Toroids
- Peet Bros: Weather Stations
- Power Port: Handheld Pouches
- Quicksilver Radio Products: Accessories
- RT Systems: Programming Software, Interface Cables
- Telex: Headsets (ElectroVoice)
- Timewave: Digital Terminals
- Vibroplex: Keys, Bugs, Paddles
- W2IHY Technologies: Audio Equalizers
- Wavenode: RF monitor, PC based
- West Mountain Radio: Rigblaster
The 29 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
- All Electronics, Van Nuys, CA
- Alltronics, San Jose, CA
- Debco Electronics, Cincinnati, OH
- Electronic Goldmine, Scottsdale, AZ
- Electronic Surplus Inc, Cleveland, OH
- Excess Solutions, Santa Clara, CA
- Fair Radio Sales, Lima, OH
- Government Liquidators - All Surplus - Levy Latham: Surplus Auctions
- Herbach & Rademan, Laurel, NJ
- Leeds - the Home of Radio
- Martin P. Jones & Assoc.
- Prime Electronic Components, LI, NY
- Radio Daze: Vintage Radio & Electronics
- Surplus Sales of Nebraska
- Surplus Traders, VT
- Toronto Surplus, Canada
The 16 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
The 17 links in this section last checked: 04/13/22
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