Orange County Amateur Radio Club - W6ZE

2021 Field Day Pictures

Back after COVID forced everyone home last year

All pictures couresy of the listed photographer

Click on a picture to see it in higher resolution.

If you see an error, please contact Ken-W6HHC with your correction(s).

The OCARC Antenna Tower Farm used for 2021 Field Day at the Ocean View School District HQ in Huntington Beach.
(photo by W6HHC)
OCARC’s new FD generator can switch back-and-forth between Propane and Gas
(photo by W6HHC)
2021 Field Day Co-Captains (L-R) Ron W6WG and Tim N6GP
(photo by N6HC)
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K6GSX’s custom tower trailer with 5-ele 6M Beam
(photo by NI6E)
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Night life at OCARC FD - (L-R) Wayne KH6WZ’s colorful tent, CW tent, PHN tent
(photo by N6GP)
(L-R); Tom KA9FRH (gray shirt) and Kevin KF6ICD are running the 40M SSB station
(photo by N6HC)
Dan KI6X is running the 40M PHN station
(photo by KB6TKA)
20M CW is being run by Arnie N6HC
(photo by W6HHC)
40M CW is being run by Tim N6GP
(photo by N6HC)
Vijay NA6VJ ran the Digital Station on 40M 20M and 15M bands this year
(photo by N6HC)
Doug W6FKX manages the GOTA station
(photo by W6HHC)
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(Front L-R): “el Presidente” Nicholas AF6CF, a friend - Angelo , and Peter NI6E’s wife Elsa, with Rear row: Nicholas’ friend Bruno and Angelo’s Grandson – “Nick”
(photo by NI6E)
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Steve N1BKB contributed 568 QSOs = 1506 pts to OCARC for FD from his home QTH
(photo cortesy of N1BKB)
OCARC Home Page
This page last updated on 29 August, 2021
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454 Tustin, CA 92781
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Orange County Amateur Radio Club