OCARC 2010 Field Day Portfolio - part 1 of 3

Orange County Amateur Radio Club - W6ZE

2010 Field Day Pictures

Page 1 of 3

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This year the OCARC again held Field Day on the school grounds of Walter Knott School in Buena Park. The FD site was just to the West of the Knott's Berry Farm theme park and on the South-side of La Palma Ave.

Courtesy of Google Map

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OCARC Field Day events do not just happen...they take planning. Our FD co-Chairs, Ken W6HHC (L) and Doug W6FKX, are explaining final FD plans at the June club meeting.

Photo by Bob-AF6C

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Assemblying the  3-ele 20M SSB Force-12 beam are Kris W6KJC (seated left) and Bob AF6C (seated on right).

Photo by Jeff-W6UX

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Getting ready to lift the 20M SSB beam and tower into place..

Photo by John-KF6PRN

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The 20M SSB beam and tower are being hoisted into position.

Photo by Bob-AF6C

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This is the horse-power that pulled the 20M PHN ower into position (L-R) Nicholas AF6CF, Ron WB6FRV, and Bruno (no call)

Photo by Bob-AF6C

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The 40M PHN/CW tower has been assembled and last preparations are being made to the 2-ele 40M inverted-Vee beam. (L-R) Ron WB6FRV, Loran AF6SP, Doug W6FKX the band captain for 40M, and Tim K6GEP.

Photo by Jeff-W6UX

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The 40M PHN/CW tower is slowly pulled up by the guy ropes......

Photo by Cam-WV6V

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The 40M PHN/CW tower is slowly pushed into position......

Photo by John-KF6PRN

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The club's 4 KW generator was nicely baffled by a block wall. Bob AF6C did a tune-up that allowed the generator to run without a hickup during the entire FD event.

Photo by John-KF6PRN

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The VHF/UHF band captain, Robbie KB6CJZ, puts the finishing touches to a 2M Yagi that is mounted on the club's set of "military masts".

Photo by Cam-WV6V

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Every year, putting up Coleman tents seems to be confusing. (L-R) Ken W6HHC and Hank W6HTW try see if "tab - B" will really fit into "hole - C"??

Photo by Bob-AF6C

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After a hard Friday afternoon of set-up, the crew help themselves  to a steak dinner. This year, the tri-tip steak slices and bread-sticks, etc were catered by StoneFire Grill.

Photo by John-KF6PRN

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Lining up to get some great chow are (L-R) Donn N7CNC (in white cap). FD co-chair Doug W6FKX, Larry KR6LO, Nicholas AF6CF and two non-ham friends of Nicholas who helped with FD set-up, Bruno and George.

Photo by Bob-AF6C

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Our club artist, AF6C, created another great collage of photos from the 2010 Field Day event for our club newsletter.

Photo Collage by Bob-AF6C

Click here for the 2nd Page of FD Pictures

Click here for the 3rd Page of FD Pictures

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This page last updated on 02 August, 2010
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454 Tustin, CA 92781
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Orange County Amateur Radio Club