Orange County Amateur Radio Club - W6ZE

1998 Field Day Pictures

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OCARC - W6ZE Welcome Signs at the entrance to the Irvine park property.


Photo by W6ZQ

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The antenna farm with the 3-element 20 meter beam in the foreground and the 5-element 15 meter beam further back. Wire and VHF antennas are also visible.

Photo by KD6NOT

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Working a pile-up in the 15 meter tent is Bob-KD6XO at the mike and Paul-WD6FMX logging on the notebook computer.

Photo by W6HHC

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The 5-element Hygain 15 meter beam is up; Lowell, KQ6JD (left) and Bob, AF6C secure the guys.

Photo by W6ZQ

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Bob, AF6C re-invents the Armstrong antenna rotator for the 15 meter yagi.

Photo by W6ZQ

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The 15 meter operation: (L to R) Ken, W6HHC operates; Bob, KD6XO logs; and Bob, AF6C recuperates his voice.

Photo by W6ZQ

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Dinner time: (L to R) Chris, KF6LEX and his young op; Ray, W6NT;  Bob, KD6XO; Larry, K6LDC and head chef Frank, WA6VKZ on the edge as usual!

Photo by KF6LEX (How'd he do that?)

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Hungry hams chow down in mess area. Visitor's table is at right.

Enlargement of photo by KD6NOT

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The 40 meter vertical (well, almost)... with the 10 meter novice tent beam to the left.

Photo by AF6C

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Thirteen 220 MHz contacts were made by solar power. Larry, KR6LO (left) and Jack, K6VGS wait for the morning sun.

Photo by AF6C

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This page last updated on 13 June, 2004
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454 Tustin, CA 92781
Copyright © 1997-1998 Orange County Amateur Radio Club