Orange County Amateur Radio Club - W6ZE

1997 Field Day Pictures

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Please Help us get a name and call to all these faces. If you see an error, or can identify anyone marked ???, please contact with your correction(s).


The 15 meter antenna on a tower built by Kei, W6NGO.


Art, AD6B (now K7ZE) right, logs on the laptop computer while Bob, AF6C makes the next contact.


(L to R) Jim, KE6UCH and Bud, WA6VPP operate while Tom, WA6PFA rests up for his next shift.


Larry, K6LDC chows down at Satureday's dinner.


The 40 meter team: (L to R) KR6LO; Bob, KD6BWH?; Ray W6NT; Larry, K6LDC; Larry, K6VDP and Art, KE6WOX.


Ken, W6HHC rotates 5 element 15 meter beam to the horizontal after raising. Tower is 40' crankup homebuilt for Field Day by Kei, W6NGO.


More 40 meter team: Art, KE6WOX in foreground; Ray W6NT seated and Larry K6VDP standing.


(L to R) Herb, KG6OK and Chris, KJ6ZH operate the 20 meter station and computer log program.


Field day is over and Sunday's teardown is nearly complete. Here's the crew who stayed to the end: In front of the mast: (L to R) Art, AD6B (now K7ZE); Steve, KE6NAH; Larry, K6VDP; and Frank WA6VKZ on the edge. Back row standing are: (L to R) Bob, KD6BWH; Bud, WA6VPP; Bob, AF6C; Phil, N7PA; Bob, KD6XO; Art, KE6WOX; Larry, K6LDC; Tom, WA6PFA; Jane, KC6TAM; Chris, KJ6ZH (holding K9'CQ'); Dennis, KB6VFC; Paul, WD6FMX; ???; and Ray, W6NT.


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This page last updated on 13 June, 2004
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Copyright © 1997-1998 Orange County Amateur Radio Club