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Please Help us get a name and call to all these faces. If you see an
error, or can identify anyone marked ???, please contact
with your correction(s).
Operating CW and SSB on 40 meters in W6NT, Ray Davis'
horse trailer are (L to R): Rolf, KK6QW; Larry, K6VDP and Larry, KR6LO.
It's chow time Saturday evening. (L to R): Paul, WB6FMX;
Larry, KR6LO sitting by the door; Head Chef Frank, WA6VKZ; ???; Robert, N7AZ; Phil, KK6QE
(now N7PA); Tom, WA6PFA; Rolf, KK6QW; Jane, KC6TAM; and Art, AD6B (now K7ZE).
The 40 meter,VHF, UHF and satellite station.
How many hams does it take to dig a hole? Kei, W6NGO, (right ) uses his
tractor while Lee; Chris KJ6ZH; Bob, WB6IXN, Bud, WA6VPP; Phil, KK6QE (now N7PA), and Tom,
WA6PFA look on with tools at ready!
The '96 Field Day Crew (kneeling L to R): Kei, W6NGO; Bud, WA6VPP;
and Ken, W6HHC; (standing L to R): Jane, KC6TAM; Chris, KJ6ZH; Larry, K6VDP; Dennis,
KB6VFC; Ray, W6NT; Bob, KD6BWH; Larry, K6LDC; Art, AD6B (now K7ZE); Phil, KK6QE; Rolf,
KK6QW; Tim, WB6OWD (now K6GEP); Art, KE6WOX; Paul, WD6FMX; Jim, KE6UCH; Tom, WA6PFA;
Robert, N7AZ; Steve, KE6NAH; Bob, KM6TL; and Frank WA6VKZ.