Serving Orange County in Southern CA
for over 90 years.
Announcements: Last updated: Jan. 18th, 2025
Some dates on this page are updated automatically.
- Our February Speaker will be Neil Jessen - N6VHF. He will present a program on the fun and ease of doing "Parks on the Air".
- It was decided at the February board meeting that the general meeting will no longer be broadcast over Zoom. Zoom will still be used to allow us to have presentations from distant speakers.
- The next board meeting will be held at the Streamliner Lounge & Café, 186 N. Atchinson St., (At the train station) off Chapman Ave. in Orange.
- The OCARC VE Team is offering amateur radio exam sessions at 5:30 PM prior to our monthly general meeting. For an appointment contact:
- 2025 Club Renewal window opened on November 1st. The window closes on on March 31, 2025. Renew by then to not be in arrears. If you first joined in 2024 check your status prior to renewing. If you joined after June 31, and opted for the 'plus' membership you've already paid for 2025. Click on Public roster on the left. If you have a check mark in front of your name you're a paid 2025 member.
- Member Paul Whitely has equipment for sale: HF and VHF Kenwood radios and two Astron Power Supplies. Details in our club's For Sale section.
- The end-of-year roster dated December 31st has been posted on the website. It is password protected; if you've forgotten the password contact one of the board members.
Current “Theater” Presentation:
Jean Shepherd - Radio Amateur and Raconteur
“Getting a Ham License” (WOR Radio - NYC 1/24/1963) 33:35

Jean Shepherd (ex-W9QWN, K2ORS - sk) tells about getting his ham license as a young boy. This recording starts with Jean's theme music "Bahn Frei" (Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops). Jean Shepherd was on WOR radio for years. He is a famous story teller and often brought his hobby of ham radio into his stories. Enjoy listening!
About O.C.A.R.C:
Located in the heart of Southern California, The Orange County Amateur Radio Club (OCARC) is dedicated to the advancement of "Ham Radio". Founded in 1933, the OCARC is a "general-purpose" club for anyone interested in ham radio. We have members of the OCARC active in the these aspects of ham radio:
- Emergency communications (RACES and ARES)
- DX-ing (long distance communications)
- Field Day participation. The next:
- Home-brewing (building your equipment and antennas)
- Community service
- Digital Amateur Television (Digital-ATV, DATV)
- HF/VHF/UHF/Microwave communications
- Repeater communications
- Satellite communications
- PSK31, JT-65 and FT8 communications
- Digital voice communications (D-STAR, WinDRM, etc.)
- PACKET radio and APRS
- Just talking to other HAMs
…and more.
U.T.C Date & Time: